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Minggu, 21 Juni 2015

Intralanguage, Inter-language, Inter-semiotic Translation.

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2.      Terjemahan Intrabahasa, Antarbahasa, Intersemiotik
Di dalam literatur penerjemahan, ada beberapa ragam terjemahan yang pernah dikemukakan oleh para ahli. Ragam-ragam tersebut ada yang digolongkan menurut jenis sistem tanda yang terlibat, jenis naskah yang diterjemahkan, dan juga menurut proses penerjemahan serta penekanannya.

Roman Jakobson (1959:234) membedakan terjemahan menjadi tiga jenis, yaitu terjemahan intrabahasa, terjemahan antarbahasa, dan terjemahan intersemiotik.

Yang dimaksud terjemahan intrabahasa adalah pengubahan suatu teks menjadi teks lain berdasarkan interpretasi penerjemah. Dan kedua teks ini ditulis dalam bahasa yang sama. Jadi, bila kita menuliskan kembali puisi Chairil Anwar, Aku, ke dalam bentuk prosa di dalam bahasa Indonesia, maka kita melakukan penerjemahan intrabahasa.

Jenis terjemahan kedua adalah terjemahan antarbahasa. Terjemahan jenis ini adalah terjemahan dalam arti yang sesungguhnya. Dalam jenis ini, penerjemah menuliskan kembali makna atau gagasan teks bahasa sumber ke dalam teks bahasa sasaran.

Yang terakhir adalah jenis terjemahan intersemiotik. Jenis ini mencakup penafsiran sebuah teks ke dalam bentuk atau system tanda yang lain. Sebagai contoh, penafsiran novel menjadi sebuah karya film.

2.  Intralanguage, Interlanguage, Intersemiotic Translation.
In literature translation, there are variation of translations that have been explained by experts.

The variations have been classed by kinds of sign system that is involved, the kinds of script that has been translated, and also the translation process and also the stress.

Roman Jakobson( 1959:234) differentiates translation into 3 kinds, that are intralanguage translation, Interlanguage Translation and Intersemiotic translation.

What intralanguage means is changing a text into another text based on the translating interpretation. And both of the text is written in the same language. So if we rewrote Chairil Anwar’s poem, Aku, into an Indonesian prose, therefore we translate it into intralanguage.

The second kind of translation is interlanguage. This kind of translation is translated into the real meaning. In this kind, the translator rewrites the source language meanings or idea of the text into the target language.

The last kind of translation is intersemiotic translation. This kind includes an interpretation of a text into another system. For example, an interpretation of a novel into a film.

NAME :           Achmad Andika.S
NPM    :           17611923
Class    :           4SA04

Sabtu, 09 Mei 2015

Intralanguage, Interlanguage and Intersemiotic Translation.

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                2. Intralanguage, Interlanguage and Intersemiotic Translation.
In literature translation, there are variations translations that have been advanced experts. The variations have been classed by kinds of system sign that is involved, the kind of script that has been translated, and also the translation process and also the stress.
Roman Jakobson( 1959:234) differentiates translations into 3 kinds, that is intralanguage translation, Interlanguage Translation and Intersemiotic translation.

What intralanguage is

Minggu, 03 Mei 2015

Variations of Translation Softwares

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1.       Trados : SDL Trados is a computer-assisted translation software suite, originally developed by the German company Trados GmbH and currently available from SDL International, a provider of translation management software, content management and language services. It provides translation memory and terminology management.

·         Advantage: Translator immediately sees which parts of the text are to be translated, which makes it simple to concentrate on the essential. Anyone who has attempted to translate a text in electronic format knows how difficult it is, since each time the already translated source text must be deleted. As an alternative, one must work with two texts side-by-side, or open the original text on the screen again and then return to the already translated text.
·         Disadvantage: Careless mistakes and increases the risk of skipping a sentence or a word, it is more difficult if received as hard copy. If the translator does not have the possibility of converting the text into an electronic format by using optical character recognition, they must constantly shift the focus between the paper and the screen.

2.       Ginger : Ginger Software is an Israeli start-up company that has developed language enhancement technology that uses statistical algorithms in conjunction with natural language processing, aiming to improve written communications, develop English speaking skills and boost smartphone productivity. The company was founded towards the end of 2007 by Yael Karov and Avner Zangvil. Ginger Software differentiates itself by recognizing words in the context of complete sentences.

·         Advantage: You learn the topics that are most relevant to you, those that cause most of your writing mistakes. You practice by correcting your own sentences, instead of textbook learning examples that are not necessarily relevant for your specific use of English. You learn faster because the learning program is personalized to meet your needs. No need to practice topics that you already know, or that are too advanced for you. Whenever you write an email, an essay, or a status on Facebook, you can, in a single click, get corrections from Ginger, as well as explanations on how to avoid repeating those same mistakes in the future.
·         Disadvantages: it has a disadvantage that it slows down the speed of your PC to some extent, but when you stop it from working on the browser the speed is improved.

3.       Systran : SYSTRAN, founded by Dr. Peter Toma in 1968, is one of the oldest machine translation companies. SYSTRAN has done extensive work for the United States Department of Defense and the European Commission.

·         Advantage: Supports unlimited user access and millions of real-time and batch translations per day as demonstrated by the leading search engines, global corporations, and governments. Scalable, open and robust, SYSTRAN solutions use standard APIs, support universal file formats and are easy to integrate with third-party applications. SYSTRAN delivers the highest translation speed available for machine translation solutions. SYSTRAN also delivers the largest breadth of machine translation software products in the market which offer fast and cost-effective customization.
·         Disadvantage: you have to buy particular language combinations. For example, it costs more to have software that will translate both French and Spanish into English.

4.       Sdl : SDL plc is a company providing software and service solutions for language translation purposes including interpretation services. It is based in Maidenhead, England and is listed on the London Stock Exchange. SDL is an abbreviation for "Software and Documentation Localization."

·         Advantage: it can reduce the number and severity of vulnerabilities in software. In order to measure the extent to which these goals are met, security experts analyzed public vulnerability counts in "pre-SDL" and "post-SDL" versions of the same product in the 12 months (or more) following the release.
·         Disadvantage: SDL include poor efficiency of the generated code and inadequate support for complex data type, algorithm, concurrency and hardware interface descriptions.

5.       WordbeeA web-based application that allows interaction between the project manager, translator and proofreader in real time as well as simultaneous translation

·         Advantage: Simultaneous translation means you can translate a source text into different languages simultaneously. Wordbee enables proofreading and approving of translation memories (or previously translated files), in order to build new translation memories or export translation memories from other software.

·         Disadvantage: spell checker for QA turned out be buggy, not finding all errors and especiailly not finding accidentally entered 'second letter' caps.

Screenshots of the software in order :


2. Ginger 

3. Systran 
4. SDL 

5. Wordbee 

Rabu, 28 Januari 2015

Franco hates sony hackers

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James Franco: 'Sony hack made me sick'
The actor said his health was affected by the fallout from the cyber-attack on Sony Pictures, who were targeted thanks to Franco’s film The Interview

James Franco has said that the furore around his comedy The Interview, which prompted a devastating hack on Sony Pictures and threats of terrorism against US cinemas, affected his health.
“There was this pressure. There was so much attention on it — attention on a level you never expected. It was a shock to my system, and I got sick,” he said. “But I was never scared for my safety or anything.”
 In The Interview, Franco plays a blowhard talk show host, chaperoned by his producer played by Seth Rogen – the pair are hired by the CIA to assassinate Kim Jong-un after the pair secure an interview with the North Korean leader. The storyline angered a hacking group linked to the country, who leaked a vast amount of data from Sony, and whose terror threats caused the film to be pulled from cinemas. It has since been successful via on-demand services and a small theatrical release in independent cinemas, earning $45m.
Franco added: “It was a situation where there was nothing for me to do to. As soon as they called the press off, and the movie was pulled from theatres, there was nothing to do. They weren’t looking to me to make any decisions. It was just sitting around and staying quiet.”
His comments came in an interview about his new film I Am Michael, directed by Justin Kelly and executive produced by Gus Van Sant, which has premiered at the Sundance film festival. It’s the true story of Michael Glatze, a gay rights campaigner who renounced his sexuality and turned to Christianity. Franco met with Glatze at the premiere, and said that: “I think the movie has helped him release some of these extreme views that basically gays are sinners. And that it’s helped him heal a little bit and maybe showed him that just because he doesn’t want to identify as gay doesn’t mean he has to completely destroy or condemn everything about gay lifestyles.”
On a threesome scene between Franco, Zachary Quinto and Charlie Carver, Franco said: “I can’t even remember what happened. I think I was going for it more than they were.”
Reviewing the film for the Guardian at Sundance, Jordan Hoffman wasn’t particularly taken with it: “It feels as if it’s hewing too close to both an agenda and the truth of the story, instead of exploring the emotional and intellectual truths that lie beneath it... [it] is fatally unsure of its own identity.”
Preposition       :
About : tentang
After : sesudah
Against : terhadap
Around : di sekeliling
At        : ada/di/pada
Beneath : di bawah
Between : di antara
By        : dengan/oleh
For       : selama/untuk
From    : dari
In         : di
Of        : dari
Off      : lepas
On       : di atas/ pada
Since    : sejak
To        : ke
Via       : melalui
With     : dengan

Name   : Achmad Andika S.
Class    : 4sa04
NPM    : 17611923

Softskill last assignment